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Furthering Theological Education to Promote

Christian Unity


An aqueduct is a simple yet revolutionary concept—it is a way of transporting water from a place of abundance to where it is needed. We founded Aqueduct Project in 2009 with the mission to bring theological education from the centers of learning to the spaces in the world where churches are multiplying most rapidly and where Christian leadership training will make the greatest difference.

We Pray

Prayer is the foundation of all that we do at Aqueduct Project. Our first online prayer room was launched during the Christmas season of 2016. We now host 18 Prayer Rooms and welcome over 200,000 Zoom callers from over 130 countries annually. 


We Equip

We offer free online courses in prayer and the Bible. Our courses are designed to build community within our partner prayer networks and to equip leaders for Christian ministry in this age of internet connectivity. We offer courses as inspiring Lecture Series, skills-based Workshops, discussion-based Scripture Studies and Book Studies, and community-driven Benefit Lectures.


We believe that joining Jesus in his prayer for the unity of the church is one of the most important ways that we can pursue Christian unity.

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“That they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”

“The AQ platform combines biblically sound teaching opportunities together with relevant discussions, innovative technology, and Christ-exalting online prayer! I believe the Lord will use this platform to equip the saints in truth and bring together the church in an expression of John 17 oneness across nations, denominations and generations.”

Dr. Jason Hubbard
Director of International Prayer Connect

John 17:23

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We believe that, regardless of how the world may change, God still has bold plans for the future of his church.

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